Friday, July 26, 2019

Once upon a time in Hollywood- it's actually really funny

Here to review QT 8th movie and when you walk into a QT movie you know there is going to be violence and lots of it. Well, as you might expect a movie that is building on the dread to Sharron Tate murder at the hands of the Manson family there will be blood. Surprisingly, this might be his least bloodiest film but likely his funniest.

The movie plot is almost thrown together in a way that it's just wasting time till the end. The flash backs of Clint (Pitt) and Rick (Leo) are hilarious. Both actors brought there A game to this and it's great. They play an aging actor and his stunt double as they mitigate the twilight of Rick's career. Leo does the serious acting, while Brad just basically acts super cool and likable.

Margot Robbie, plays Tate and she does an excellent job just unfortunately most of her scences seem like filler. There is only so much need for scences of her bare feet in the foreground while the audience watches her watch a movie. Come on it's a 160 minute run time and you cut i presume all of Damien Lewis, aka Bobby Axelrod, cameo as Steve McQueen. Speaking of cameos this was packed with them but it better to see for yourself.

Now the movie is legit funny. It's not overly violent and the violence is mainly used in comedic fashion. I really liked the movie. I thought it was funny. Just take in the star power of Leo and Brad and enjoy.

4.5 out of 5 stars

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