Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Midsommar- wow, that was pretty good

Alright, went to see Midsommar last night and wow, what a ride. It's a 2.5 hour ride but worth it because every scene has meaning.

Now when a I saw every scene has meanung, I am not kidding, ever detail is played off later. At one point I was looking at the background wall and later in the movie they played it off. It's major spoilers so I won't mention it.

At the heart of the movie this about a relationship and a breakup. Dani and Christian are a couple that doesn't seem to like each other but stay together because they been together for our 4 years. You all know this type of relationship.

Well the movie gets going once the group heads of to Sweden and reaches the commune. That's when the thriller and suspense starts. It is a horror movie but doesn't have the jump scares, instead focusing on building suspense. It works very well.

Honestly, I really enjoyed this movie and I don't want to spoil it because it's every good and there are some shocking parts, but everything is heavily foreshadowed. I am not a good enough reviewer to write more and not spoil so that's it folks.

4.5 stars out of 5. Enjoy.

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