The first problem I have this movie is that I don't see old man Sly as Rambo, I see him as Rocky so seeing Rocky to go off and kill a bunch of people was not as fulfilling as it should have been cause that's not Rocky. The other problem with the movie was I felt that most of the actors were not that great. There some people that just felt wooden and they just were reading lines and not acting. Sly was seeming the only person who wanted to do the movie, based on the other performers acting. This is one sequel I do not think we needed.
I also had several issues with the plot of the movie. Maybe I am naive but how awful of a person do you have to be to sell your friend into sex slavery. Seriously, you do the work to find her father, invite her down to Mexico to see him and then sell her off as a sex slave. She may be the worst person in the movie. Oh, yeah she decided to try and cover her tracks by lying to Rambo. In a movie were seemingly everyone else was killed off, Rambo should have killed her too.
The movie seems like the writers were sitting around the table talking and one said, know what would be cool... and put that in the movie without thinking how it fits in the story. Dropping a head out a car window, sure cool in theory, but does not work with how they did it. The movie has a bunch of scenes, concepts, that should be cool but fall flat on the screen. The end of the movie is the perfect example of this. It is Rambo killing off a team of people on his farm and the tunnels underneath. This should be exciting, but it unfortunately is not. Want to see a great extended kill scene, go see a John Wick movie. I think Last blood was going for that but it failed.
Maybe Rambo should have focused on what made the first Rambo movie great and focused on the struggle of the veterans in a world that does not accept them fully. Rambo should have taken under his wing a younger vet, dealing with the same issue or just make more exciting fight scenes. Either way it was just poor writing and execution.
Not a fan of this one. 2 out of 5 stars.
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