Sunday, September 22, 2019

Hustlers: reasons to never drink alone

Based on a true story we finally get the story that everyone wants, strippers taking revenge on Wall Street traders for causing the financial crisis. It is a bit odd that Cardi B is in the movie since she has admitted to doing the crime that the main characters are doing in the movie. Guess that's not important. The movie does do a good job of showing how the power of greed can impact people and cause them to do vile things.

I have a hard time cheering for the girls in this movie as they take on there wall street marks because they are so reckless with the money they steal or earn. Dorthy (Constance Wu) says she is making Brain surgeon money, well assuming she means one who is out of residency than that is about 300k. She made 300k and spent it all and we are supposed to be cheering them on as they steal money from people. Not all the people they stole from were wall street bankers, some were just innocent people who were having a bad day.

That being said despite how vile and hard it is to cheer for the main characters the movie is still good. Not every movie has to be about good people right. The thing I enjoyed about the movie was the way it was structured as Destiny telling us the story to the reporter. At first I though she was a cop who had some how convinced her to talk which makes sense because she did talk to the cops. The girls have great chemistry with each other and J-Low brings with a better performance than in Second Act.

There are jokes and fun moments. Even the drugging of victims is played for laughs at time. The movie problem is that there is no conflict for the majority of the movie. The only conflict is that one person wants to make more money and starts to get greedy. Instead of bleeding them dry slowly there go for large scores in one shot. Maybe it's just me but if I'm stealing 50k at a time I am calling it day and moving somewhere they won't find me. Maybe take the show to Miami for a bit than go to the low cost of living middle of the country. That's just me but the highest any of them got was 5 months and probation. Talk about a slap on the wrist.

Good story but not something I am going to go out of my way to watch because there is a lack of something dynamic.

2.5 out of 5 stars.

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