Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sonic the Hedgehog!

So a blast from my past was definitely going to get me to write a movie review. Back in the game Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (gamecube) was my game. College friends can remember the time I spent 100% the game and effort to get all As. So I'm going to follow my rainbow and give the review the Sonic Movie deserves!

Now the movie does not follow any of the plots of any of the games which it would be cool if we got  sonic adventure 1 live action because in my opinion that has the best story of all the games. Let's be honest the Sonic games are not that deep when it comes to the story in them. The movie starts with the intro to Sonic as a child and we learn that he is fast, for the few in the audience that already didn't know that he was fast. The Sonic we get is lost in the world he lives in. Alone and isolated he is trying to find a place in the world while remaining in hiding from the people around him. The movie goes on with Sonic developing his first friendship with the local cop who is looking to move on the big city.

James Madsen and Sonic show excellent chemistry on the screen. The interactions between him and Sonic as they are on the run from Eggman are great. He plays a great strightman to both Sonic and Jim Carrey. Carrey as Eggman felt a bit much, as Carrey was just playing himself as a super genius. I thought he was funny but it was not how I imagined how Eggman would act, but that's okay, everything does not have to be as  I think it should be to be a good movie. There should be surprises in a movie, otherwise it would be boring.

Another part that I liked where the quicksilver scenes, where everything is slowed done and we see Sonic moving while everything is still, or moving really slowly. I always thought these scenes where the best of the x-men movies and they do not disappoint here. I will say they have more comedy than those scenes.

I think there is a good story here with an element of comedy. The audience was laughing at the jokes and it just seemed like everything hit. Overall this was a great movie and I really liked that it was under 1 hour 40 minutes. Long movies are great but it does not need to be a 3 hour epic. Some are good just quick and short telling a compact story which they do here.

The one downside was that Sonic was the only one of his friends to make and appearance during the story. Hopefully in the next movie we will get an appearance from his friends and start to track down some chaos emeralds. I am really looking forward to the knuckles spin off that has him searching for the master emerald. Go in with an open mind and you will enjoy this movie.

4 stars!

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