Sunday, April 19, 2020

My Friends play diplomacy: Russia

The third installment is based on the play of Russia. Unlike Turkey or France they lasted to the end of the game and at times were a major power and could have potentially won the game if things broke a bit different. Let's dive into their play and see what we can learn!

It's am interesting start because the mos to stp makes it seem like there is an agreement between Germany and Russia while the hold Warsaw instead of going to Gal makes it seem like there is mistrust between the two. The Sev to Rum combined with Turkey moves show something is up between Turkey and Russia.

Russia bounces England and seeing that Warsaw is not under assault puts pressure on Germany. They get two builds here but there is nothing that is practically interesting. The bounce in Norway a move people do often when open Mos to STP but if the goal is to get after England early I am not sure if the better move would have been to move to Fin and build a Northern fleet and take Nwy in the next year since the way they set up they cannot defend it even with help from Germany. Just something I would think about, depending on the feel and conversations with the other players of course would impact my decision.

This just seems like a missed chance to position themselves to attack Germany in the fall. Keeping War in it's current spot doesn't seem to be helping anything and at this point we know that Austria is a none player so moving it to Sil seems like the smart move unless you want to pick up your part of Austria and then move it to Gal. As it stands it just seems like a wasted unit.

I think this turn shows the loss opportunity of keeping War where it was. I like the grab for Den but if they would have move War they could have either tried to get a concession from Italy for Vie or but Germany in a defensive position where it would be near impossible to build units since Ber, Mun,  and Kie all would have units in them. As it is Germany did that so maybe a moot point, for this game.

 This is just a break down where I don't understand what they are trying accomplish. The mess in Bud makes no sense all he had to do was tell Italy support Rum, and he could have had Boh, Sil and Pru pushing against Germany. Instead he is doing a game of musical chairs. It also would make more sense to go to Sil since that way he can support into Ber. I think the other mistake was not building another Northern fleet, which is needed to control fight Germany and England in Scandinavia. All the resource put into it already I would think it would make sense to throw that up there due to the quiet south.
Well without the additional Fleet, Germany and England teamed up to drive him out of his Northern position. Could he have stopped it if he had an extra fleet and an army in Sil, probably or have trade one for Ber, I think that is a good deal. I do like what they did in the South only because they were the ones that got Bud. If Turkey played smarter this could have been a lot different but really with a fleet in the Black Sea that would have only extended Turkey's demise. It was really just a matter of time as long as Italy stayed happy with the agreement.

At this point there is little they can do to hold on to the North, Germany and England are position to drive them back to Moscow if they want. The attack on Ber is late and unfortunately it is taking a center that can't be held in the fall if Germany decides to take it back. They really needed Italy to go Boh and Tyr and lucky Italy just didn't decide to go to Bud as well. Germany may have had the advantage in the north with England help but the Armies of Italy and Russia could have easily taken Germany and rolled on to France with some coordination. I guess turning to claim Turkey was enough for the two.

 I don't get it. I am not sure what they were trying to accomplished. I think it was poor planning in the spring that put them in a position where they were in trouble for this turn. They got lucky that Turkey seemingly just quit. The fight against Germany just seem to be bad tactics right now.

Now you build a northern fleet? That would have been helpful a few years ago. This battle is basically lost. They can box you in if they want. It's time just to go all armies. Well after the build the regroup does make sense. The retreat to redefine your lines is a smart idea. Prior to this your system of support was too stretched to attack Germany well. I think would have agreed to a different deal with Italy but right now you are really hoping they don't turn on you because they are a good position to hold the line against Germany and grab the Southern part of France and grab Turkey from Russia.

Okay, Germany doesn't know what they are doing, maybe that fleet in the North wasn't as bad as it seemed. I am not exactly sure what it is going to do because I would assume sound tactics by Germany so let's just see how that plays out.

Well it is a major break that the Russia was able to retreat to Nwy and a huge tactical error by Germany. Russia needed a way to get his fleet out if he wanted any chance in the north. It is actually the only way, besides more mistakes by Germany, that they could retake STP in the future. Now it does the loss of STP won't even result in the loss of a center. The key here should be to rebuild their lines and position themselves to align with Italy to take on Germany. The problem through is if they help Italy to much they almost would make themselves an easy target. They are working well in the South against Turkey but if they can't turn there eyes towards another common enemy they could be in trouble.

Well it appears that Russia and Italy are getting on the same page, through Germany if they played smarter could have put a major hole in Russain plans. They should have been able to take either War or Mos, and possibly both. The Russia really just need to move to Rum to protect there and move Bud to Gal and try to get support from Vie. It's the fall and Russia is focusing on spring positions like GAL instead of protecting centers and that could have cost him. Gal is an important position but not worth possibly losing two centers to hold.

Well not much for Russia to do here except position themselves moving forward. I like the idea of moving to NTH. It puts them in a position to move to EDI/ Lon, BEL or HOL. I think I would go to EDI, since it would be almost impossible for England to take it back without opening themselves up to an attack by Italy. Depending on how Germany reacted to going to England there is a strong possibility they could grab LVP as well. Well let's see what they do.

Well Bel might have been the worst possible choice since it allows the armies to get involved as well. It boxes them in and the unit can not provide support for the rest of the attacks on the main continent. I am not sure what the thought process was in this turn. Again it seems like most of the moves are just random, which can be helpful. If Germany was playing more sound they would have boxed Russia in here instead Russia is able to put pressure back on Germany.

Russia and Italy seem to be getting on the same page and Germany should be in trouble but again this is going to present a problem of Russia since if Italy is the one that goes to Mun first it will be hard for Russia to take it back and the territories they need. They would have to get to Bel before Italy goes to Mun if they want to win the game. The other problem is it seems Italy is in a great position to try and grab a few centers from Russia if they want. I think they could be thinking of bouncing in Bel since England went to Eng, but we'll see what happens.

Well they let Italy get to Mun first, and Italy turned on them in the same turn. That is going to hurt, Through depending what units they get rid of would decide a lot. As bad as it looks there are a lot of options for them to turn it around especially since Germany is now weakened. I think the obvious choice would to remove Fleet in Hol but there are some good arguments to keep it. Germany is now the weakest on the board and with it Russia could be great help to have that fleet. It is interesting how little they did on this turn to protect territories. The turn by Italy I can see how that happened but England was almost certainly going to try and grab Bel based on prior moves and it is surprising they did not block it.

I have no clue what to make of this turn. Why did they leave Mos? Why did Germany go to Mos? these make no sense. I guess the randomness fits with what Italy is doing. Let's just go to the next turn.

????? just the whole board. I can't figure it out. Why not just do War to Sil and use Gal to support Rum to Bud? It makes no sense. Sometimes it seems like they are just moving pieces to move pieces and there is no plan. They could have destroyed Germany this turn with better planning but they couldn't trust Italy so that makes sense. Well they still lost a unit to Italy so it doesn't make any sense. I just don't know.

I think the goal should be to retake Russia from Germany but that does not seem to be the plan. They are going to let Germany back in the game, but at the same time that seems to be as much Italy not being able to figure out what they are doing. I am not sure what anyone is thinking right now, except England who has to be thinking wow these guys are dummies.

Well, I think this is another mistake by Russia on this turn in the North. You have to remember holding a home center is more important that gaining foreign center 90% of the time. They should have done Nwy to Stp, Sev to Mos with support from War. They would have gained Mos and Swe and had a build to help even with the loss of Rum. Again it seems like they are flying by the seat of their pants so it is not a surprise there is no plan going on.

Here we can see for the first time the game is starting to come to an end. Italy seems lost with what England is doing and can't figure out how to plat defensive in the Med so now unless Italy gets their act together it does not matter what Russia does.

In what world does it make sense to move Mos. Maybe in the world where everyone does stuff at random. It makes no sense to me at least. I think they did get lucky that Italy left a spot open for them to retreat to. Still things are not looking good, but we have seen before that the other players will create openings when none exist.  It's time for Russia to do some praying.

It looks like Russia has determined they are unlikely to win so they are taking Italy down with them. Italy is doing a fine job of that themselves so it doesn't seem to matter. Russia play though does leave an opening for Germany to sneak through the back door and win the game. That is probably Russia best plan, play defensive and hope Germany turns and try to build from there.

Another why didn't they do something simple turn. Support War with STP to Mos? Why not, I guess they wanted to fail. Oh well, this game should be done shortly for Russia now. If Germany turns it could take longer.

This looks the turn of someone who gave up. None of the moves seem designed to achieve anything. I guess they achieved their goal in making sure Italy will not win.

They still can't figure out Gre needs to go to Bul SC, seems odd after the last move they didn't figure it out. Still seems like they are playing out the last few turns just wanting to take Italy down with them. Which they are doing a good job.

I guess Germany wants to keep Russia in the game. I am not sure why but that is the way things seem. Looks like Italy is giving up too but hey they tried to win unlike some players.

I am pretty sure Germany has fallen for the same mistake three times in this game. I am glad they haven't steam rolled France like they could have and won the game. The way Russia was able to get behind them time and time again they are lucky to still be in the game. Russia not much to do except wait out the end, now.

For the last time Russia was defeated in Denmark. Two more times than I though could possibile happen when Stp is dominated by Germany. It looks like they are just trying to outlast Italy. Was it possible they could have teamed up to turn back England, yes, was it likely they could work together after Italy double crossed them twice, no chance. Russia needed to turn Germany or England against the other or take the fleet earlier in the game to England if they wanted a chance to win. As you will see when I break down England, they get lucky a lot in this game.

Well Russia survives with two units. Either Germany or England will win soon. Not much more to say.

Yep game over, both England and Germany have clear paths to victory.

Germany gave England the Victory, wow guess that makes sense thinking of the game as a whole. As a whole Russia had an excellent start to the game but got bogged down in the mid game and never developed a plan once the Italy alliance crumbled beyond make sure Italy loses too. I think he had a real chance for portions of the game but made some wrong calls. If England or Germany would have turned on each other maybe his calls would have been right but you really can't predict that a player will hand his opponent the game like Germany did in the endgame. Well, this was tougher to write than I thought, partially because there are some moves that I don't see the sense. I'll try to get the other 3 out during the week, but at least one by next weekend.

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