Saturday, April 25, 2020

My Friends play Diplomacy: Italy

Alright this is the 4th edition in this series and it is time to take on the player who soared the highest and crashed the hardest. That would be Italy. No one player did more to win the game for themselves than Italy did. They also do the most to lose the game. It was not a pretty sight when things started to turn for them. Well we are going to dig in and find the reasons why things worked and what was the ultimate downfall for Italy.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

My Friends play diplomacy: Russia

The third installment is based on the play of Russia. Unlike Turkey or France they lasted to the end of the game and at times were a major power and could have potentially won the game if things broke a bit different. Let's dive into their play and see what we can learn!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

My Friends play diplomacy: France

Ready for the second edition of my new blog series. (Hey at least its something, I can't go to the store to get supplies for the smoker)

The next country to cover is France. Unlike Turkey they just seemed to be playing strategically unsound. Well I don't want to ruin the surprise of the game so let's look at the opening turn.

My Friends played diplomacy: Turkey's fall

My friends played a game of diplomacy that I watched and now they want some feedback. It went on way to long so I can't do one post that covers the whole game so I am going to break it down into several smaller parts. Here is the first edition, and while I would like to say I am going to get these out pretty quick I am not making any promises.

Let's start with Turkey since they went out first (okay Austria forgot the game started so they lost first but we are not counting them):

Alright let's see the first moves: