Friday, August 2, 2019

Hobbs and Shaw- all the action and family of fast and the furious

This is not the first spin off, Tokyo drift was. I don't care that it was spun into the greater story quickly but it is clearly a spin off from the main series as most of the crew does not appear in it. Yes this spin off does have bigger stars than that one does but Mr Gibson needs to calm down and accept that the Rock is a much bigger star than he is and let's be honest no one was knocking down his door to do a spin off of the fast and the furious. If this is the reason that Rock and Vin are beefing this is just silly. Hobbs in many ways has helped revitalize the series along with Decker Shaw.

Stuber- the pun says it all

Now the super physical comedy Stuber. Actually the pun Stuber may be the best actual spoken joke in the movie. This movie relies heavily on violence to be funny. If you don't enjoy comedies that involve people getting hit by cars or nut shots in fights this is probably not the movie for you. High-brow humor it is not but that is okay because it summer and sometimes you just need to relax and watch two guys get the plup beat out of them.