Friday, June 28, 2019

Yesterday- a non Beatles fan review

Okay, I gave it away in the title but I am not a Beatles fan. I know a lot of people consider their music to be generation changing and the greatest influence of human culture of all time. Sorry, Jesus we got John, Paul, George and Ringo as the great influences of humanity. Overall I find that there music is overrated and would personally rather listen to lots of other music first.

Well why would a nonbeatles fan go see this movie, well to be simple Lily James, face of an angel, who reminds me of the prettiest woman I have ever seen. Ladies, yes if you're reading this and thinking it's about you, you are the one. Now if you think this is great gesture and want to dump your current boyfriend who seems like a great guy give me a call and also this movie is definitely for you.

While the A plot of the movie is all about the fame a musician who suddenly started writing hits that weren't really his moves through life doesn't do much for me, the b plot of Lily James', Elle, trying to get his grade school crush to love her is way more compelling. It really seems like Jack is an idiot who doesn't know how to grab what he wants and just makes mistakes and alienates people.

Besides Lily James great acting, Ed Sheeran playing himself and Kate McKinnon great comedy chops this movie doesn't work well. That might because the rest of movie relies on the Beatles music to carry the emotional weight of the movie which doesn't hold sway for me.

I think a better movie would have been if there was actually major changes with the world instead of everything but the Beatles and Coke not existing is pretty much the same. (Yes cigarettes are gone too but I assume tobacco is still huge because it's popularity way outpaces the Beatles in time)

Okay movie i guess, can definitely kill 2 hours. 3 stars, also I am becoming a harder grader.

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