Saturday, January 19, 2019

The upside- upset people can have friends too

Kevin Hart and Bryan Cranston team up in this odd pairing story of unlikely friends. Based on the true story of a rich Italian and his caregiver but with the setting changed to New York. Hart character is an ex con who needs a job, but more importantly has the real problem of being self centered and unable to take responsibility for his actions. It creates a good opportunity for Cranston character who is a quadriplegic and needs someone to care for him since he can't more his arm or legs. Phil (Cranston) has run out of reasons to live and picks Hart because well there is almost no chance he can do the job.
The two of them have many funny interactions and the movie as a whole is a lot funnier than I expected. The acting is great but that is expected from talent like Cranston and Kidman. Hart kills the scences with Cranston, and Kidman but when he has to carry the scene things fall a bit flat. Fortunately, he kills the comedy and you can overlook those other shortcomings. The movie isn't the greatest of all time or even this month but it is uplifting so it has it's role.
Funny movie that wouldn't expect so 3 out of 5 stars because the hot dog scene is at least worth one star.

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