Saturday, January 5, 2019

Second Act- it's okay to lie but not really

We are going to get to the movie but I want to comment real quick on the 52 ounce icee that you can get at the movie theaters and why you should never get one. There are only two possible outcomes when you get a 52 ouncer: 1. you drink so fast that you have give yourself a brain freeze and you just cause yourself pain; 2. you drink it at a proper pace but the bottom of it melts/ gets hard and you can't get it through the straw anymore so you should have just stuck with the 32 ounce one. If there was a way so that it did not become impossible to drink at the end go ahead drink the 52 oz. one, also please let me know what your secret is. (also so much sugar that sitting still during the movie might be a bit tough or the crash will make driving home interesting.

Now to the reason you clicked on the movie review, Second Act is a fun movie that has it's high points and several lulls. The movie is based around the concept that a women, Maya, (Jenifer Lopez) is the assistant manager at a grocery store and the opportunity to become manager comes around. Unfortunately for Maya, she does not have a college degree and is not qualified for the position since the minimum requirement is a college degree. The store hires some MBA idiot, who the movie makes clear has no street smarts and therefore has no idea to run the store and just comes up with stupid ideas.

Maya goes to her 40th birthday and complains about the lack of opportunity for people who do not have a degree and how street smarts should count for something. As a person with 20 years of formal education (not counting pre-school) I did not like the way they were portraying the importance and value of higher education in the beginning of the movie. It turned out to be okay because the movie is not about the value of education but about the damage that lying can cause. Maya friend's son creates a profile for Maya that makes her super accomplished and a major company offers her a consulting job. The movie takes us through her adventure as she takes on this new job putting her street smarts and gut feelings to the test.

Enough with the plot that's not why you watch movies like this. There are several running gags in the movie that are pretty funny. I like Leah Remini character gag about curing after her youngest son, probably 7, starts curing all the time. She starts saying s-word or f-word, instead of the word. The way her character is established the first time she says f-word it is very funny. The best part of the movie is really the interactions between Lopez, Remini, and her other two friends.

Yeah, it wouldn't be fair if I didn't also mention there is a lost child through adoption and reunited story line that feels a bit shoe horned in that makes the movie a bit messy. It is not the best story in the world and makes the movie feel completely unrealistic at times but you know there are some really funny parts and the point of going to a movie like this is not see a master class of story telling but to get some laughs and distract yourself for a few hours. So go enjoy the movie and don't worry about the plot just take in the humor and remember who cares that everything seems to just fall unrealistically into place. It's a movie don't overthink it.

3 out of 5 stars

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