Friday, December 28, 2018

Holmes and Watson- good concept gone very very bad!

Okay, to be honest going in I should have known that I had no chance that I was going to enjoy this movie. I didn't like Ricky Bobby, I didn't like Step brothers, and in general I don't find Will Ferrell brand of comedy entertaining but I do like Sherlock Holmes movies and the stories, they are fun and Ferrell and Reiley have a Holmes Watson dynamic to begin with so figure I give it a chance.

Nope should have done basically anything else. The movie had nothing that was funny in it. The best part was one Braun Strowman was on the screen throwing people around. I think the movie is a bit to much of a parody of the  RDJ movies but does not pull off the jokes. Even when it is not being a parody of the other Holmes movies the jokes are something you would expect from a 13 year old. Actually the only people who laughed at the movie was the kids that were probably 13 but there wasn't much laughter. It was odd the MIB International travel actually got more laughs than the movie. A movie that I almost certain got made because of much chemistry Tessa and Chris had in Ragnarok. Yes the ads were better than this movie.

There was a twist in the movie that was so obvious it was beyond stupid. The only person who didn't see it coming was Sherlock Holmes. Okay, there is a in movie reason but I am not buying it. The movie was just bad and if you don't enjoy the lowest form of humor don't go see this movie. Actually, just don't go see the movie. Go watch Marry Poppins or Aquaman or Spiderverse.

.5 out of 5 stars. It be zero stars except for Braun.   

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