Alright we all know the joke, that all Arthur Curry can do is talk to fish and swim kinda fast, but the movie was surprisingly fun and enjoyable. Like almost all superhero movies, there are some elements of plot that are best overlooked and just enjoy the overall story and action sequences. I am not going to spoil anything that's not on the movie poster, trailers or the cast list, here the stuff I liked.
Khal Drogo- okay there was one scene when Jason Momoa was on a boat with his hair pulled back and some seaweed on a wound and I thought wait a minute, this is how his character was killed off in GOT, they can't kill Aquaman yet. I laughed to myself because, when if you can't laugh at your bad jokes who will.
Talking about Jason Momoa, I thought he did an excellent job in the role. The DC universe has had an issue with taking itself to seriously and well that was not a problem with Momoa as the lead. It seemed like he was having fun with it and that came through the movie in a chill bro attitude and made the movie funnier as a result. This movie would have been horrible if they tried to copy the tone from Batman v. Superman or Justice league. There is a place for dark gritty superhero movies but it is not with the one who is best known for talking to fish. Going with the lighter tone was the correct decision and Momoa really came in that tone.
There were a lot of cool looking action pieces in the movie as well. I think the most impressive were some of the longer shoots of the chase in Sicily. Princess Mera (Amber Heard) and Aquaman are attacked by black Manta and the result is Princess Mera running across the roof tops away from the nameless goons that were also sent. At one point as the camera is following her it zooms out to Aquaman on a bell tower across the city. There were times during the chase that it was a little cut heavy put when they let it run a bit longer it provided several impressive visuals. The other one is when Mera and Aquaman are attacked by the trench people on the boat and they jump over into the ocean with the flares. It is on one of the posters and it looks like they are about to be swallowed up by the mass of fish people. Watching it made me think I really like how this looks, thought the red cutting through the darkness gave it a distinct look.
Overall, I thought the coloring of the movie was spot on. Atlantis was vibrant in color. Mera in her green clothes and red hair jumped off the screen and made her a real presence every time she was on the screen. When Aquaman finally dawns his classic costume from the comics, the way the coloring is done makes it an impressive shoot, like wow this guy is important and about to kick some major ass. Not a scene you would get from the prior DC movies.
Overall, I liked it. There were time when the plot of the movie dragged on a bit but then they hit another action scene and boom it became interesting again. The movie probably makes the most sense, like the main character, when it is not thinking. It embraced the fact that it is not serious and almost a goof and ran with that instead of making it a serious tone movie that would have ended any chance it would be good.
It may not be Vincent Chase Aquaman that was able to open as the highest grossing opening weekend of all time but it is well done and Momoa is certainly a much more imposing aquaman than vincent would have been.
Since the scale is really would I watch it again if it was on TV yeah, would I change the channel from a rerun of a tv show to catch the beginning, probably.
4 out of 5 stars because the action was fun and Momoa and Heard have great on screen chemistry.
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